What is SSL Certificate

Introduction SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificates are small data files that encrypt data packets sent between a server and a client or a browser. They’re designed to ensure safe internet browsing, protect confidential data and establish secure connections. In this article, we will delve into what SSL certificates are, how they work, their different types,…

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What is a Domain Name

If you’ve ever thought about setting up a website, whether for a personal blog, a business, or for some other reason, you may have come across the term ‘domain.’ The term may seem a bit technical, but don’t worry! By the end of this article, you’ll understand what a domain is, and how you can…

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Vipassana Meditation

About Vipassana Meditation Rooted in the rich soils of Indian history, Vipassana, a powerful meditation technique dating back over 2,500 years, is experiencing a resurgence. Meaning ‘to see things as they truly are’, Vipassana was brought to light by Gotama Buddha, who propagated it as an all-encompassing cure for life’s universal woes — a form…

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What is Web Hosting

Web hosting, or hosting space as it is often referred to, is a dynamic service that empowers both individuals and organizations by making their websites reachable on the internet. It furnishes the requisite technologies and services to ensure that a website or a webpage can be viewed online. Securing hosting space from a provider is…

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Essential Linux Commands

Directory Commands list with explanation ls: This command lists all files and directories in the current directory. Explanation: The ls command has various options like -a (list all files including hidden), -l (long listing format), -h (human-readable file sizes), and more. Example: ls -la (This will display all files including hidden ones and their details…

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Find My Phone

Introduction:Find My Phone: We’ve all been there – that heart-stopping moment when we can’t seem to find our precious smartphone. It could be buried deep in the couch cushions, left at the coffee shop, or simply misplaced in the chaos of everyday life. Worry not, my friend! In this friendly guide, we’ll explore various ‘Find…

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Make Money Online

Popular Ways To Make Money Online

Earning money online has opened up a world of opportunities for people from all walks of life. Whether you’re looking for a way to earn extra cash on the side or start a full-time business, there are many different ways to make money online. Here are some of the most popular methods Freelancing Freelancing has…

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